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3.6 Record of Children with a Child Protection Plan


Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board continues to maintain the Child Protection Register but in this Manual, in line with the Government Guidance “Working Together” published in April 2006, references will be made to Children with a Child Protection Plan, rather than children whose names are on the Child Protection Register or “registered children”. 


  1. The Record of Children with a Child Protection Plan       
  2. Information included in the Record      
  3. Enquiries by other Agencies

1. The Record of Children with a Child Protection Plan  

The local authority must be capable of producing a Record of children resident in the area including those who have been placed there by another authority or agency who are considered to be at continuing risk of Significant Harm, and for whom there is a Child Protection Plan.

2. Information included in the Record 

The following information will be kept on this Record and must be updated as circumstances change by notification to the Conference Administrator.

  • The child’s full name, home address, gender, date of birth and ethnic origin
  • The child’s address if not living at home
  • The child’s legal status
  • The full names, any other known names and addresses of the parents and those with Parental Responsibility
  • Name and address of any other adult members of or regular visitors to the household, together with information on their relationship to the child
  • Details of any relevant offences of the persons mentioned above
  • Full names, dates of birth and gender of other children in the household, their legal status, whether they are also the subject of a Child Protection Plan and if so, under which Categories of Abuse or Neglect
  • The date and source of the first referral
  • The date when the decision was taken that the child required a Child Protection Plan
  • The name and contact number of the Keyworker
  • Details of professionals/agencies involved with the child and family and the members of the Core Group
  • GP’s name, address and contact number
  • Health visitor/school nurse’s name, address and contact number
  • Child’s school, playgroup, nursery or Childminder, if any, including name, address and contact number of any Designated Teacher
  • The date of the next Review Conference
  • The date when the Child Protection Plan was discontinued or when the child moved to a new area (including arrangements for the Transfer Child Protection Conference, the transfer of the case responsibility and the records)
  • A record of all enquiries in respect of children with a Child Protection Plan

3. Enquiries by other Agencies

The Record of Children with a Child Protection Plan is accessible to agencies which may have concerns about a child, both in and outside of office hours.  See Contact Details Appendix for relevant telephone numbers.   

  1. Enquiries should only be made when there is cause to suspect that a child is suffering or likely to suffer Significant Harm.
  2. Routine checks for agencies such as in the recruitment of foster carers and prospective adopters, or in line with policies in member agencies, may be made during office hours (see Contact Details Appendix)
  3. All enquiries and details of the outcome will be recorded. 
  4. Enquirers will be checked before information is provided and information will only be shared on a “call back” basis.  Formal checks made by contacting the twenty four hour call centre may only be made from designated phones.
  5. Where an enquiry is made about a child with a Child Protection Plan the enquirer will be given the name of the child’s Keyworker and the Keyworker informed of the enquiry so that it can be followed up.  If an enquiry is made about a child at the same address as a child with a Child Protection Plan, the information will be sent to the child’s Keyworker.
  6. If an enquiry is made about a child who does not have a Child Protection Plan this will be recorded with the advice given to the enquirer.  The record will be destroyed after eighteen months if the child is not subsequently made the subject of a Child Protection Plan and no further enquiries have been made.
  7. Where two separate enquiries are made about a child without a Child Protection Plan the relevant Children, Young People and Families team, in consultation with other agencies, should consider whether the child may be a Child in Need and there is a degree of concern sufficient to warrant an Initial Assessment, Strategy Discussion and/or Child Protection Assessment.
