
List 99

List 99 is a confidential list of people whom the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families has directed may not be employed by local education authorities, schools (including independent schools) or further education institutions as a teacher or in work involving children under 18. It also includes details of people the Secretary of State has directed can only be employed subject to specific conditions. Employers in the education sector are under a duty not to use a person who is subject to a direction in contravention of that direction.

Some people are automatically included on the list as a result of a criminal conviction for certain violent or sexual offences; others are included on the list following a report by an employer or the Police. From 20 January 2009, referral for inclusion on the List are dealt with by the Independent Safeguarding Authority. People included on List 99, other than those included automatically, can appeal to the Care Standards Tribunal within 3 months of the decision.

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