
Supervision Order

Supervision Orders can be made within Care Proceedings, if the threshold criteria are met. The Supervision Order places the child under the supervision of the local authority. It does not give Parental Responsibility to the local authority. The supervisor's duty is to advise, assist and befriend the child and the Court may attach certain requirements to the Order for the child (and the parents) to comply with. A Supervision Order lasts for a maximum of one year and may be extended up to a maximum of 3 years but cannot be extended beyond the child's 18th birthday. It can be discharged on application and will be discharged automatically by the making of a Care Order, Placement Order, Adoption Order or Special Guardianship Order.

A Supervision Order can also be imposed upon young people in criminal proceedings for up to three years. A range of conditions can be attached to a Supervision Order when the sentence is used for more serious offences. These are called "specified activities" and can last for up to 90 days. Examples of "specified activities" might be participation in an Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme (ISSP), drug treatment (for young people aged 16+), curfews or residence requirements which might require a young person to live in local authority accommodation for the period of the sentence.

A young person receiving a Supervision Order is also required to take part in activities set by the Youth Offending Team which could include repairing the harm done by their offence either to the victim or the community and programmes to address their offending behaviour such as anger management.

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